Xiintoh umaane

The Afar are a people of East Africa from about 4,276,867 of them in Ethiopia, 459,874 in Eritrea and 483,500 in Djibouti. Their number is estimated at 5 million and half people. They are predominantly Sunni Muslim faith and speak a Cushitic language, the Afar language. This people is also called DANKALI ( Danakil plural), named after the eponymous depression.
numma naqam kaxxa yaba
RépondreSupprimerDokoysa, tah kaxxa Kassoowu Wallah. Elle abtem IAS maay kinni ?
RépondreSupprimerKaxxa yaaba ! Qajab !
Dokkoyse roobe dooro celtaah macelta. Celtah axce waqdi nummah beedi Qafar xintoh afiito faxekkel rasuh biyaakita marih gabal mahaay toh yanqibeenim faxximta tiya. Macelta kak axcem a dorro kah rooban killil abbobti inki caxxat haanam kalaata. Addak giclo gexissa labha tanim waagisah yan Dookoyse. Away qusubih Qafar rasuk nee yoofe xaagul Qafar afay Qafar ummat taamah af neh abatteh baraay loqo karraq kah axcuk sugteh im bictem celta. Giclo dibuk irok anan giclo hinna adda giclo kaadu gexsaanam faxximta
RépondreSupprimer"Nagasse/macisse Anonyme,
RépondreSupprimerA dooro dibuk elle tekem yimixige maray feeral loowimah qafar focat yani kal iniki tan qafaray rakakayat tamitta mawagitay, tigreh afitot gexanam inkih tan qafar ogolewatam nagay axige.
Baxoh addal tangicile labhah igma kadu matanay baxol assas alle wayta giclo xammay weqaytut rubenih cakki, tonmay ta dorro tonal yok tafihimem kok faxa. Kot celtam kak itteminih gada koh gacsa!